Bob's Articles

The ABCs of Leadership
Great leadership has just three easy to remember elements: authenticity, buoyancy, and conviction.

A Wallet-Sized Code of Ethics
Here’s a statement of principles that people can read, understand, and remember. You’re welcome to use it or amend it.

Creating an Ethics-Driven Organization
You can't create an ethical organization overnight, but you can start overnight, and here’s how.

How High Is Your ELQ?
If you want to practice ethical leadership, it's not enough to be ethical. You have to teach it. Here's how.

Readiness to Do Right
We don’t always do what we know to be the right thing. High-impact ethical leaders do six things to strengthen their own ethical behavior and that of the people around them.

The Ethics of the Magnificent Seven
The Magnificent Seven teaches us the distinction between law and ethics, between obedience to the enforceable and obedience to the "unenforceable." Lessons from the Wild West can help us deal with dilemmas in our everyday life.

Ethics for Bosses
Rank hath its privilege, they say, but what privileges should the boss exercise? Here’s how an ethical boss should look at it.

Telling Truth to Power
Being an ethical boss can be trying, but it's easy compared to being an ethical subordinate. Telling the truth to the boss is the first—and often the hardest—responsibility of an ethical subordinate.

Go Ahead, Break a Rule
Sometimes you can’t get the job done without breaking a rule. Here’s a way to think through whether to do it. 

The Impartial Public Servant
Impartial judgment is part of the deal for public servants, but everybody has biases. Here are some ways to minimize the impact of your biases on decision making.

What's Fair?
Everybody needs special treatment sometimes, and fairness allows—even demands—that they get it when they need it. Managing ethically, by the Golden Rule, demands it.

How Would It Look in the Paper?
"How would it look in the paper?" is a good question to ask before making a decision, but a much better test of the ethics of a hypothetical action is "Can I explain it to my mother?”

Lies and White Lies
Some lies are permissible “white lies” but some apparently permissible white lies are hurtful and unethical. How to decide which is which.